Beauty Tip-How To: Quickly vanish a blemish scab

We all get those scabs from blemishes we've popped, they come at the worst times and are hard to get rid of. Im going to teach you how to get rid of them.

First, you want to clear your face of all makeup.
Second, wet a wash cloth with HOT water
Third, apply it to the scab. You may rub it GENTLY. This will soften the scab making it easier to get rid of and itll also make the healing process faster.
Fourth, grab some triple antibiotic ointment and apply a SMAL amount to your ring finger
Last, dab it onto the scab gently and your done!

Do this 2-3 times a day, more if you wish, you dont always have to put a hot compress in you can just apply triple antibiotic ointment but the hot compress will help.


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